‘Slut Walk’ Page Spread

For the September 20, 2021 issue of The Mercury, I collaborated with the News Editor, Fatimah Azeem, and graphic artist, Quinlan Sherer to design the ‘Slut Walk’ page layout for the News section of the newspaper. I created a sketch of the page layout with the photos that I took of the event for Quinlan to put together in InDesign.

The concept for the layout was to include the signs of the protestors as well as some strong visuals to help convey the context of the news piece. Fatimah helped to structure the textual portion of the paper, since she was the writer of the story and would have a better idea of how much spacing she would need for her text.

During layout, I edited and toned the photos selected for print while coordinating with Fatimah and Quinlan for any troubleshooting in regards to photos. I also removed the background of select images to be featured in the header to help it appear more like a gallery of protestors and their posters.

The resulting layout was sent into the 2022 TIPA (Texas Intercollegiate Press Association) contest, where it was awarded Division 1 Second Place Feature Page/Spread Design - Newspaper.